Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Dear Mistah Thom,
Thank you for giving me wonderful assignments that have me write ridiculous things in the guise of education.
I will miss you terribly when these classes are through.

A student’s tale

“Stop kissing or I’ll puke,” Deliah warned. “And you know the bathroom is dirty and smells like sweat.”

“This house isn’t big enough for the seven of us. You’re naked all the time and there isn’t enough cloth to cover everyone,” Luca replied.

“Your words make me sad. I’m going to continue digging my hole underground.”

“Wait, don’t go,” Luca pleaded. “Meet me tonight, for I wish to speak with you in the graveyard.” His eyes were full of lust.


“Terminate osculation or I will vomit,” Deliah warned. “And you’re aware the lavatory is soiled and smells like perspiration.”

“This mansion isn’t large enough for the seven of us. You’re nude all the time and there isn’t enough fabric to cover everyone,” Luca retorted.

“Your cruel words make me solemn. I am going to continue digging my cavity in the subterrane.”

“Wait, do not leave,” Luca pleaded. “Encounter me tonight, for I wish to communicate with you in the cemetery.” His eyes were full of concupiscence.

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